Highlights from CCI-The Netherlands 2012

July 22-28 – a lively week filled with good connections and special sharing. For me this was an especially wonderful opportunity since usually I am the single Dror Representative from Israel. This time 5 lovely women joined me in our diplomatic venture continuing to bridge the gap between the Dror Community and CCI – which I am happy to say – no longer feels challenging. I was thrilled to see that our contingent from Israel was greeted with open arms, respectfully and offering support as well as encouragement to share ideas and information.

The venue was spacious and beautiful. After a day or so of getting used to the grounds and discovering the lovely pond and trails for walking, I felt comfortable and able to enjoy the surroundings as well as the rooms inside.

The highlights for me at this CCI were my experiences at the following workshops (I don't remember the formal names of these workshops, but I'd like to give credit to the facilitators) - Biodanza with Wim, Meditation with Rita, Work on shame with Sarah (group work with JP), Sharing around CCI Community with Niek and Minke, Drum work and journeying with Lillian, morning runs with Sytse, Dancing night with Richard, Cuddly women evening, support group, Dror's opening circle and great conversations at mealtime. 

I came away from the CCI this year with a deeper understanding of the concept of self responsibility which I believe has become for me the most important element in my ability to connect with others - something I cherish above all when attending workshops. Many discussions ensued about culture setting and situations that may arise when members of the international community come together for emotional work and live together for this week. 

When I find myself in situations where I feel uncomfortable, say I am in a session with someone I don't know very well and either the contract was not stated or I feel the co-worker is not giving free attention, it is up to me to take care of myself - first I acknowledge my reaction to the situation and then I have a choice: I can state to my session partner that I feel there is a lack of free attention or I can ask to restate or clarity the contract. I can say that I wish to stop the session. If I carry on without indicating my discomfort, then I take the risk of reducing the standards of our level of interaction. I do not serve myself or my co-worker in keeping these feelings to myself. It also becomes much more difficult to resolve this issue at a later time. 

Another situation I found myself in was when I was confronted by a fellow co-counselor who made judgements about my behavior. If I can remind myself that our community is based on principles of love recognition and security, I will be able to respond to the situation with clarity and respect. I stated that such comments were inappropriate and I hold myself accountable for my reaction. If I feel distress I can have a session with someone else. I can separate myself from the distress of the person making the comment. I cannot be responsible for another person's reaction and although for me it is unpleasant, I realize that I am a trigger for another person's distress, and I can only hope that they would choose to work on their issues with the wonderful tools we have acquired. Self responsibility means to me taking charge of my session and taking charge of my reactions to my own distress and the distress of others around me.


Looking back on the Dutch CCI I feel so grateful to belong to this beautiful, loving community of like-minded souls wishing to connect and feel a part of something bigger than themselves. I feel honored and accepted by most everyone, and greatly supported by many generous members. The Dror participants truly appreciate the financial assistance and warm, generous hospitality offered by the Dutch Community and special donors who made it possible for us to attend and to experience a little more of the Dutch culture before and after the CCI. We are very excited to hear so many people are interested in coming to Israel for the CCI in October 2013.

Dear Fellow Dror Members,

I recently returned from the CCI Workshop held in the Netherlands. The suitcases are emptied already, but not the wonderful aftertaste from the great quality and significant workshops, and so I would like to say thanks for the following:

Thanks, for the enchanted venue at blessed Bakkeveen and the history of its rich earth. The trees and green grass, warm sun were wistfully present. The nutritious food, fresh and delicious, plus mountains of sweet cream and seasonal fruit, the pure water and natural juices offered after awakening from soft and sweet sleep.

Thanks to the organizers: Batja, Emmy, Nettie, Sytse & Hans. They did a great job. They were clear, precise and purposeful which enabled me to find a place inside me and around me breathing, alert, alive, full of openness and listening. Good relations between them contributed to create a space very dignified, safe, relaxed, loose and yet with clear and meticulous boundaries.

Thank you, facilitators of a variety of empowering workshops:  work on emotion, motion and didgeridoo workshops, performances and sweetly innocent evening talent show, wonderful support group participants: Lillian, Ida and Sarah.

Thanks to the various participants who revealed a wide spectrum of feelings, bursting forth and refining. Anyone who smiled, hugged, wiped away a tear, not stifled a scream / yawn / laughter / crying / shaking because of grief, pain, anger, hurt, embarrassment, shame and feeling good. Thanks to you, one could find at any given moment authentic, responsible and loving space.

Thanks, Marlies and Sytse, love and truth go beyond distances travelled...

Thank you, dear friends and travel partners:  Janice, Hava, Ida, Aviva and Miriam, who made my experience fun and relaxing.

This amazing gift I could give myself, so thank you to myself.

In our community, we are in the process of change slowly but surely, we shall see that the depth of this change and influence even more widely ...

With love,

